French Academy of sciences
Created by Colbert in 1666, the Academy of sciences is an assembly of scientists, chosen among the most distinguished French and foreign specialists. It examines the political, ethical and societal issues surrounding the current and future scientific topics. The Academy reflects, anticipates, explains and pronounces itself, mainly through opinions and recommendations and takes position when necessary. It aims to provide policy makers with a framework of expertise, counsel and alert and more broadly to enlighten the debates and choices of our society. In addition, the Academy of sciences supports research, is committed to the quality of science education and promotes scientific life at the international level.

French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS)
The French National Center for Scientific Research is one of the most recognized and renowned public research institutions in the world. For more than 80 years, it has continued to attract talent at the highest level and to nurture multi-disciplinary and interdisciplinary research projects at the national, European and international levels. Geared towards the public interest, it contributes to the scientific, economic, social and cultural progress of France. The CNRS is above all 32,000 women and men, more than 1,000 laboratories in partnership with universities and other higher education institutions bringing together more than 120,000 employees and 200 professions that advance knowledge by exploring the living world, matter, the Universe, and the functioning of human societies. The CNRS ensures that this mission is carried out in compliance with ethical rules and with a commitment to professional equality. The close relationship it establishes between its research missions and the transfer of acquired knowledge to the public makes it today a key player in innovation in France and around the world. Partnerships with companies are at the heart of its technology transfer policy, and the start-ups that have emerged from CNRS laboratories bear witness to the economic potential of its research. The CNRS provides also access to research findings and data, and this sharing of knowledge targets many audiences: scientific communities, the media, decision-makers, economic players and the general public

Université de Lorraine
Founded in 2012, the Université de Lorraine is a multidisciplinary establishment. Its 60.000 students and 7.000 staff members spread all over the area of Lorraine. Its research revolve around 10 scientific hubs, consisting of 60 research units with 28 being mixed research units. At the heart of Europe, the Université de Lorraine relies on a network of partner universities in the Region and all around the world. Its international standing rests upon the mobility of researchers, university lecturers and researchers, and students, as well as the internationalisation of its training offer.
The Université de Lorraine has been fully committed to Open Science since 2016, when it opened a HAL portal and organised its first seminar on this topic. Ever since, this committment grows year after year, thanks to annual symposiums, institutional support to open edition initiatives, the adoption of HAL as the university official bibliography in 2018, and the set up of a research data repository in 2021. A steering committee, put in place in 2019 and assisted by two operational committees, works hard to offer a safe environment to researchers so that they are well prepared to the current evolutions in the research environment.

Founded in 1964, Inserm is a public scientific and technological institute which operates under the joint authority of the French Ministries of Health and Research. The institute is dedicated to biomedical research and human health, and is involved in the entire range of activities from the laboratory to the patient’s bedside. It also partners with the most prestigious research institutions in the world that are committed to scientific challenges and progress in these fields.

The French National Research Agency (ANR)
The ANR’s activities are thus designed to support the excellence of French research at a variety of techno-logical readiness levels (TRL), support basic research, encourage academic and public-private scientific partnerships and promote European and international cooperation. To achieve these goals, it organises competitive calls for proposals and conducts rigorous selection processes based on peer review, in compliance with international standards: impartiality, equal treatment, confidentiality, ethics, scientific integrity and transparency.

Nantes Université
Created in January 2022, Nantes Université is a public higher education and research establishment. This establishment proposes a model of university that is unprecedented in France, uniting a university, a university hospital (CHU de Nantes), a technological research institute (IRT Jules Verne), a national research organisation (Inserm) and the grandes écoles (Centrale Nantes, École des Beaux-Arts Nantes Saint-Nazaire, École d’Architecture de Nantes) as full members. These players are pooling their strengths to develop the areas of excellence in Nantes’ research, in particular to design and build the health and industry of the future. They offer new training opportunities to students by decompartmentalising ways of thinking, cultures and practices. Nantes Université is a sustainable institution, committed to and involved in the evolution of society. It has an original policy in favour of open science, open education and open innovation.

High Council for Evaluation of Research and Higher Education (Hcéres)

Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation
The Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation (MESRI) is in charge of preparing and implementing the French government’s policy on the development of higher education, research and technology. It defines the orientations and objectives of the public policy of open science through the launch in 2018, then in 2021 of two National Plans for Open Science. It coordinates their implementation in conjunction with the French higher education and research community mobilised within the Open Science Committee.