BEIGEL Fernanda

Friday 4th February | 09:30 am
Research Assessment (session 2)
Keynote: Research Assessment and Open Science in a Diverse World
BEIGEL Fernanda
Born in 1970 in Buenos Aires, Fernanda Beigel became a Sociologist (1993), fulfilled a PhD in Political and Social Sciences (2001) and Postdoctoral studies at the Centre de Sociologie Européenne (CNRS-EHESS, Paris). As the Director of the Research Center on International Circulation of Knowledge (CECIC) she conducts comparative studies on publishing performance and gender asymmetries; institutional cultures and research assessment and open science. During 2020 and 2021 she has been the chair of the Advisory Committee for Open Science at UNESCO and expert Advisor of the Latin American Forum on Research Evaluation (FOLEC). She is currently Principal Researcher at the National Council of Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET) and Head Professor at the National University of Cuyo based in Mendoza-Argentina.
National University of Cuyo
Date of the session
Friday 4th February | 09:30 am