BOUTRON Isabelle

Friday, 4th February | 10:00 am
Transparency of Health Research
Keynote: Transparency of Health Research
BOUTRON Isabelle
Isabelle Boutron is Professor of Epidemiology at the Université de Paris, head of the METHODS Team (INSERM- Centre of Epidemiology and Statistics-CRESS).
She is director of Cochrane France, co-convenor of the Bias Methods group of Cochrane and member of the SPIRIT-CONSORT executive committee.
Her research focusses on meta-research, interventional research on research, transparency, the peer-review process, methodological issues of assessing interventions (blinding, external validity, complex interventions) and research synthesis. She led an innovative and ambitious joint doctoral training programme funded by Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, dedicated to Methods in Research on Research (MIROR) in the field of clinical research. She is currently leading the COVID-NMA initiative ( a living mapping and living evidence synthesis of preventive interventions and treatments for COVID-19.
Orcid number : 0000-0002-5263-6241
Université de Paris
Date of the session
Friday, 4th February | 10:00 am