Saturday, 5th February | 09:30 am
Research Assessment | session 2/2
Making Room for Everyone’s Talent
Kim Huijpen is programme manager for the Dutch national programme on recognition and rewards of academics. The aim of this programme is to realise a fundamental change in the recognition and rewards system for academia and academics. As a programme manager, Kim Huijpen is responsible for national coordination between all parties involved. Before becoming a programme manager, Kim Huijpen worked as a senior policy advisor at Universities of The Netherlands. Her responsibilities included research evaluations, open science, the PhD system and research integrity. She was project lead for the development of the Netherlands Code of Conduct for Research Integrity, the position paper Room for Everyone’s Talent and the Strategy Evaluation Protocol 2021 – 2027
Kim Huijpen will speak about the Dutch national programme on recognition and rewards of academics.
Association of Universities in the Netherlands
Date of the session
Saturday, 5th February | 09:30 am